Phone: 949 426-5280

Setting Goals
Sophi is dedicated to offering the best piano and voice education for all ages and levels. Teaching comes with an understanding that it affects each child’s/student’s life with a beautiful art form like no other.
The first goal is to teach students necessary musical skills to help them play piano with ease, expressively and with pleasure.
The second goal is to teach students to “think in sound” meaning helping students developing complete musicianship through the process of perceiving music in the imagination by reading notation, playing by ear, singing, and improvising.
The third goal is to develop aural awareness called “musical ear” which is another aspect of musicianship- singing silently in the head and out loud while playing piano or by itself. In other words, knowing music in the mind before it is played.
Ms. Sophi's important goal is to gently guide and encourage students to enjoy and appreciate the music they play and sing.