Phone: 949 426-5280
Piano & Voice Lessons
Private Piano Lessons
Lessons taught by Sophi are on location or in the comfort of your home.
Private piano lessons are offered as a half an hour for younger students or beginners and45 minute lessons to an hour for older or more advanced students.
Sophi teaches with a thoughtful approach that carefully individualized for each child and adult student.
Special private piano lessons offered to young children, starting age 3 ½ with a creative, gentle and fun approach.
For school age, children lessons are also taught with a gentle and creative approach but more structured.
Private piano lessons reinforce reading music notation along with musical ear-training with solfege singing, identifying notes by "do, re, me", especially with beginner students. The A, B, C naming for notes also taught simultaneously with school-age children during theory time in the lesson. Correct technique and musicality are always reinforced with beginners, intermediate and advanced students.
During the year, Ms. Sophi recommends students to play at the community recitals. Recitals provide children with further incentive to practice and excel and can have a positive effect on a child’s sense of accomplishment.
With private piano lessons by Sophi, please keep in mind that praise, structure, communication, and rewards will greatly help students to enjoy piano lessons.
Small victories always get appreciated when taking lessons. Weekly assignments assigned during lessons for children of all ages. These are actually weekly goals and when they are practiced –your child will succeed.
Playing any music for fun is also important, even without books, because playing piano should be fun and enjoyable.